The Sweet and Innocent
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Welcome To My Hopeless, Lifeless, Emotionless Website!!!!!
Hey, I'm Jill!! and this is my web page! I was bored so i decided to build this very gay site!! I hope u have fun lookin at my hella hott pics of really good bands and hott guyz! And I'm Anti-Avril!! I'm with you Amanda!! Luv ya!!!
Something Kinda Kool
This is this girl that I found at, and I've been tryin to draw her, cuz I used to draw, but it just hasn't been workin out very well! But i'm still trying

New Stuff
Hey, You have just been sucked into the boring lifeless mind of, well, ME! I usually have a new poll every week, if i get around to it! You can find tons of pics of bands, actors, and soon to be of me and friends!I just updated this site on May 7th, so check out the pics and writings i changed a couple of them! E-mail or Message me if you have any kool ideas! U can get a hold of me on Msn Messenger-, AIM- badgurlzrule21, or Yahoo- So talk to MWA!

Throughout my site, you'll find like parts of songs that I like! Like "dying, bleeding, and screaming" is from an Evanescence song! U can check some pics of them out under one of the pages of pics~Can't remember which one~

Hehe, cute lil guy! aint he!
Send Me an E-mail

I DO IT FOR THE DRUGS!~ Smile Empty Soul